What is the National Militant Railfan Organization?

The NMRO started life back in the early 1970's as the White Mountain Model Railroad Club after a couple of young teenage railfans met aboard an excursion train and became friends. A few more of their friends joined the fold and some others were found through mail contacts.

Eventually the model railroading facet of our interests took a bit of a back seat to our prototype railfanning adventures. We became aware that our approach to railfanning was somewhat different than that of the average, more disciplined, rail buff. On railfan excursions we would become visibly agitated at the thought of having to stand in a photo line like sheep at a shearing party. We soon began a mild rebellion which saw us venturing into forbidden areas such as locomotive shops and riding the cabs of the excursions rather than the coaches. Standing in photo lines was for whimps.....

Eventually we graduated from school and moved into high speed railfanning using fast vehicles which included a trio of high performance Mustangs as well as some great 4x4's. Alas, the natural need to procreate caught up with us as most of us married and started families of our own in new areas of the country. This change in our locations dealt the final death blow to the thought of ever having a model railroad club and as such the White Mountain Model Railroad Club was quietly laid in the back corner of our lives.

With the realization that the WMMRRC was no more also came the need for a new and improved title to our organization now over 25 years old. The new name of National Militant Railfan Organization was born. We are still as militant as ever but instead of Mustangs we now drive specially equipped minivans instead. Our railfan adventures are now reaching over the entire east coast of the US and have been steadily spreading. Now out on the electronic superhighway we are using computers to further enhance our activities and provide high tech communications abilities.

The Founding Fathers:


----------------- -------------------

Gerry "Bagman"---------------John "Mr. Big"--------------------Ed "Vegitable"



Tony "Blono"--------------------Greg "B.H."---------------------Joe "Fingers"


Scott "Scotty"------------------------Paul "Fireball"-----------Brian - R.I.P. January 2016

Our two mottos:

"Nos Credete Quid Facemus Cognoscemus."-------Trust us, we know what we're doing.

"Kikio Fundus Et Kapio Nominus."-----------------Kick ass and take names.

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